
We went for a little hike in Zealandia in Wellington. It’s a wildlife resort that was developed around
a water catchment to restore the native New Zealand flora and fauna without any foreign animals.
Zealandia is surrounded by a large fence to keep out cats, dogs, mice, … . What a beautiful place
and it’s just a 10min drive from my apartment. You can walk through nature and enjoy the birds
singing (which sounds like ring tones to my european ears), fresh air, clean water.

I think this was not the last time I’ve been there. We also took a peak into an old goldmine, well I
expected a bit more but the mine turned out to be just a small 15m long tunnel. Nonetheless it
was interesting to go in there cause it was filled with wetas, cave wetas to be exact. Wetas are
grasshopper like creatures which gave Weta Digital it’s name. The once we saw are about 5-6cm
long an are able to jump 2-3m. Yes, 2-3 meter! That’s fucking crazy.